T1 Diabetes – Recently Diagnosed with T1 Diabetes?
For all the T1 Diabetes newbies and recently diagnosed! Remember is not the end of your life! Is time to listen to your body and be conscious of a new lifestyle! Bubble is here to make your life easier! Feel safe, because Bubblan team is made...
The Mystery of Glucose Levels
Somedays you are 75% or up in range and other days you are either super high or super low! Let's be honest! Many people living with diabetes and the ones who are close to us, know that feeling of frustration when glucose levels are all crazy! Sometimes...
Snack Time
One of the keys to maintaining blood sugar levels smooth is the type of snacks you get during the day! Of course, you can treat yourself sometimes but if you are trying to avoid spikes you should start paying attention to how many times in...
Recently Diagnosed with T1 Diabetes? – Bubblan | CGM | Diabox App IOS and Android |
For all the T1D newbies and recently diagnosed! Remember is not the end of your life! Is time to listen to your body and be conscious of a new lifestyle! Bubble is here to make your life easier! Feel safe, because Bubblan team is made by...
Diabetes and Kids – Bubblan 2
We want to send a special hug and a big congratulation to all of those kids living with Type 1 Diabetes! You all are warriors! There are many many kids worldwide living with this new lifestyle! If you are a friend or a parent of a...
Halloween – Happy Halloween!
Halloween is one of the funniest times of the year! And there are many ways to celebrate all over the world! Many countries have adopted this festivity and now you know It was born in the ancient Celtic when people used to make bonfires wearing...