
Instructions for LibreView Upload:1–Log in your LibreView account in DiaBox first. After this, your Librelink App would logged out for LibreView allowed to log in by only one App;2–DiaBox uploads your history glucose(the time interval is 15 mins) every 8 hours, but it uploads at once since you logged in on DiaBox for the first time;3–Someone said data missing after logged in DiaBox, pls go to LibreView web and check all data sources, then you have all data.4–Now DiaBox upload history glucose only to LibreView, other treatment records will come in next couple weeks after I implement it in DiaBox
  • Keep in Mind, if you re-log in your LibreView with you Librelink App, DiaBox will stop uploading data to LibreView.
Video from David Soden,Bubblan United StatesLibreview Diabox gude by David Soden  

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