Android Update Release Notes:waiting GooglePlay Review1.Add sensor Reset and Restart for Libre1 in NFC Mode2.include Bubble Firmware v2.83.Add Savitzky-Golay smooth...
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Hello family! I recently got surgery, I'm very weak.
I'm trying to save people, but first, I need to save myself...
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Somedays you are 75% or up in range and other days you are either super high or super low!
Let's be...
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Instructions for LibreView Upload:1--Log in your LibreView account in DiaBox first. After this, your Librelink App would logged out for...
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Dear Community: we want to share our setup manual QR code for Bubble Mini and DiaBox if you have a...
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In this lockdown! How are you dealing with healthy habits!
Share with us your favorite apps for counting carbs and exercise!
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There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by...
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When living with diabetes it is very important maintaining healthy habits such as having yummy snacks between foods to keep...
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You can improve glucose levels only if you know your trends! Bubble Mini it's a helpful tool for those who...
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