CALIBRATON on the way! (ETA 14days)

Where to Download it? Apple iOS: Android: to buy: #diabetes #libre #bubblan #freestylelibre #type1diabetes #type1awareness #diaboxapp #xdrip #bubblecgm

Bug Fix in DiaBox version 20201023 for Libre US 14 days – Bubblan – Bubblan – Bubblan – Bubblan

We are happy to announce new features at DiaBox app. In the next release of DiaBox, this is new: Bubble Firmware...

Discount on Bubblan 10€(euro)

Use the coupon code "bubblan" to get 10 euro discount on your Bubble kit.  

iOS update

include Bubble Firmware v3.1 which fixed connection issues Add Calibration Algorithm beta test Press calibration mode 5 times and...

Bubblan’s Diabetes Community

Bubblan’s Diabetes Community

This blog entry will start with the word community… We all are part of a community: family, school, hobbie...

Powerful Features for DiaBox

Dear Bubblan Community: Recently the team is working on some new features for DiaBox which would make it more powerful; here...

New DiaBox Releases For Android

Bubblan's Team shares the new releases for Android: Android v2020.10.23 new release notes: Add Libre2 Bluetooth direct connect Refactor glucose algorithm...

Libre US14days trouble, Fix before Wednesday’s update.

US14 users that have problems with Diabox please install this version instead and wait for the fix to come out...

Calibrate Freestyle Libre with Diabox app.

Calibration with Diabox


For the first Calibration, you must use two blood sugar values. Use two different fingers when you test also...

Bug Fix in DiaBox version 20201023 for Libre US 14 days – Bubblan – Bubblan – Bubblan – Bubblan

We share with you the hard work our developers are making to fix DiaBox errors. Bubblan team appreciates all your...